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Ava Binta Giallo


Water's Skin


Sommer 2023





Betreut von

Rainer Wölzl, Kathrin Rhomberg

        Foto der Abschlussarbeit »Water's Skin« von Ava Binta Giallo. Semester: Sommer 2023. Abteilung: TransArts. Werksangabe: 2023, Installation. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.


Water’s Skin evokes the concept of memory through the use of surfaces to address the interconnecting dimensions of the individual’s spiritual, social and political reality. It describes “surface phenomena, with the capacity to carry the meaning of deeper realities, to see the deep structure below the surface.” ¹ This ranges from human skin, the earth, all natural and human-made environments, to all other surfaces and screens. The installation creates a (meta)physical landscape consisting of layers of earth (clay and sand), through organically-shaped ceramic tiles, water vessels and clay sculptures. These elements create infrastructures, paths and routes throughout the space they inhabit. Think of water as a living, liquid archive, linked to the sea, the river, to every single water drop, to flowing tears, aquatic sounds, to all bodies of water, to all the waters we contain. ¹ La facultad, Anzaldúa 1987:20


2023, Installation

        Foto der Abschlussarbeit »Water's Skin« von Ava Binta Giallo. Semester: Sommer 2023. Abteilung: TransArts. Werksangabe: 2023, Installation. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.

        Foto der Abschlussarbeit »Water's Skin« von Ava Binta Giallo. Semester: Sommer 2023. Abteilung: TransArts. Werksangabe: 2023, Installation. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.

        Foto der Abschlussarbeit »Water's Skin« von Ava Binta Giallo. Semester: Sommer 2023. Abteilung: TransArts. Werksangabe: 2023, Installation. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.


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