Klimentina Hristova
Beyond the Click. SKINS.II
Sommer 2023
Experimental Game CulturesBetreut von
Margarete Jahrmann
SKINS.II is an interactive game researching the controversies of today’s human interdependencies with technologies. It aims to reveal poetic research on the multidimensional notions of skin in the phygital* world, to uncover the intertwined and complex relationships between the extended reality of virtual media and the limitations in the design of A.I. technologies. The aim is to question the political prejudice behind social constraints related to the biological body and the following aspects of A.I. algorithms mirroring such actions. Our digital identities are encoded into a cluster system where humans become collections of categories. This data is divided into patterns of comparison, which causes reinforcement of biases. What does it mean to have skin in the virtual? In order to overcome the bias, non-binary methods must be embraced. With the power of digital media and extended reality, such a form of multiplicity can be visualised and virtually embodied. SKINS.II envision the in-between, where the simultaneous existence of definitions can thrive in unity. *phygital - a blend of the physical and the digital. Collins Dictionary
Interactive game installation
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